Day 14 – Know You Can Achieve Anything Within Reason

This is definitely within reason. Aunty won’t ever be Miss World.  I am too short, too old, don’t have a Barbie hour-glass figure and I am not sure how to solve world hunger.  I couldn’t have married Prince Harry either.  I have a terrible lisp so I wouldn’t have been able to say, “I am the Duchess of Sussex”.  It would have sounded like the Ducthess of Thusexth) and I would have sprayed all over reporters while saying it. During Covid times, very unacceptable to chat with a lisp, I’m finding! I accept I have no control over these facts and no amount of trying or well-intentioned effort will change the outcome.  However, I do believe we can achieve anything within our control.

When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I do not remember saying that I wanted to pink up and encourage others to pink up their lives.  In the songs we are currently working on, (album should be out by end of March, so watch this space..) we definitely suggest that you can be anything you want to be.  18 months ago, the ideas came for the 365 Mojomaximisers, sharing Maxi and Monty’s exploits through YouTube, the various books for adults and children’s books, an album of songs and a puppet show.  I didn’t know how to get a book published, how to edit pictures, how to get a YouTube channel.  I certainly didn’t know how to get an album on Spotify.  But the dream and vision was there.  I’ve been very lucky to be working with a few talented and amazing people who have helped me along the journey.

A key learning for me has been that, “you and I can do anything (within reason as previously mentioned), as long there is a vision and a plan”.  The plan for Aunty Mojo has kind of simply evolved but the vision was always there.  I encourage you to dream big.  As Lucifer on the Netflix show would say, “what do you truly desire?” Write the dream down and meditate often to  see the vision as your own.  Your brain is great as it doesn’t really know the difference between reality and the vision.  You have all the resources right there within your reach.  As a wise person once told me, ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear’.  This is so true.  Start taking notice of what is available to you to achieve that vision.

Then plan to achieve your vision.  What steps do you need to take to get you there?  Committing to doing at least one thing every day has helped move Aunty Mojo along.  Sometimes there has been so much to do, that I’m completely overwhelmed.  But then, by breaking the actions down, understanding what should be done first then taking a few first steps, I’m moving slowly along.  With the Change Equation, you are required to have:

  1. vision for the future, where do you want to be, what is your dream?
  2. Dissatisfaction with your current situation – if you are happy where you are, you won’t need and want to achieve the vision; think about whether you really want the dream since there are benefits and drawbacks with every change; think about what the vision could mean for you, both good and bad
  3. leadership, commitment and support – in your dream, you are the leader so you be committed to doing something towards your goal every day
  4. take the first few steps – your actions bring you ever closer to what you wish to achieve

and all of that, must be greater – your desired vision must be bigger than the heartache of the journey and the cost.

So, within reason, you can achieve anything you want to do.  Stay focused on your vision and life’s purpose.